The HEARTLAND TOUR CORE TEAM is a group of volunteers who join the Tour for a full week in July. Each team member has signed up to provide the organization with some required service or expertise (we call it their chore). Core Team members support the community event, provide rider support and serve as role models for the general public. Each is dedicated to the goals and objectives of the Heartland tour and are personally committed to an active lifestyle. A wonderful crew of medical students joins us each year to help with the many daily tasks associated with the Tour and to conduct population health medical research.
Morgan Armstrong
Ross Ashbourne
Jennifer Baudoux
Bob Coyle
Kate Dobson
Dr. Carman Giacomantonio
Dr. Nicholas Giacomantonio
Vicki Giacomantonio
Hilary Gibson
Jack Harding
Yolande LeVert
Dan MacDonald
Pat MacDonnell
Roger Pitman
Al Pottier
Katherine Saulnier
Mike Saulnier
Ruth Saulnier
Elaine Swartz
Don Swartz
Jim Vance
Gordon Young
Medical Students
Ben Peterson
Josh McKenna